
来源 :地下空间与工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guizhicheng
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通过研究商品住宅小区地下车库的性质,将小区地下车库划分为三类。分别针对三类地下车库进行产权研究,通过追溯土地权利,研究地下车库国有土地使用权登记。研究表明利用人防改造的地下车库产权属于国家,投资人只有使用权和收益权,此类地下车库不能办理国有土地使用权登记;作为配套设施和开发商修建的用于盈利的地下车库,转让前产权属于投资人。通过进一步的论证指出计入公摊的地下车库,转让后归全体业主共有;未进行面积公摊的地下车库,转让后产权归权利人所有,可办理国有土地使用证。此研究对住宅小区地下车库的国有土地使用权的登记具有一定的借鉴意义。 By studying the nature of the underground garage of commercial residential district, the underground parking garage of the district is divided into three categories. Respectively for three types of underground garage for property rights research, through the right to trace the land to study the underground garage registration of state-owned land use rights. The research shows that the property rights of the underground garage using the air defense reform belong to the state, the investors only have the right to use and the right to income, such underground garage can not handle the registration of the state-owned land use right; the underground garage for profit constructed as a supporting facility and a developer, Property belongs to investors. Through further argumentation, it points out that the underground garages included in the pool will be owned by all the owners after the transfer; the underground garages that have not been under common pooling will be owned by the right holders after the transfer and the state-owned land use certificates may be handled. This study has certain reference to the registration of the right to use state-owned land in the underground garage of residential quarters.
气郁体质者的心理特征:性格内向不稳定,敏感多疑,忧虑脆弱,容易受到精神刺激  气虚体质者的心理特征:性格内向,缺乏热情,情绪易低落、悲伤、寡言少语  现实中有这样一群人:他们看了一场悲剧电影,就沉浸在悲伤情绪中难以自拔;若碰到阴雨天气,天地一片惨淡,他们也要叹一句“天公不作美”;有朋友要远行,他们也怅然若失,很久很久心里都放不下。  有人说,这样的人有抑郁症,有人说,这是因为心理素质太差了。  其
研究发现,人类65%~90%的疾病都与心理上的压抑感有关。老年人中85%的人或多或少存在着不同程度的心理问题,对老年人而言,老化情绪是形成心理压抑的一个重要方面。影响老年人心理健康的因素大致有两个方面。  □ 精神创伤  老人退休后,会面临各种无法回避的变故,如老伴、老友去世,身体衰老、健康每况愈下等。精神创伤对老年人的生活质量、健康水平和疾病的疗效有重要的影响,有些老年人因此陷入痛苦和悲伤之中不