博采众长 独树一帜——《中国海陆变迁海域沉积相与油气》一书评述

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关士聪教授主编的《中国海陆变迁海域沉积相与油气》一书(科学出版社1984年出版)是一本全国性岩相古地理系统研究的专著。全书共五章,分别讨论了中国海陆分布及其变迁、海域沉积模式、海域沉积相、海陆变迁及沉积相与油气的关系、海相沉积油气远景展望等问题。书中附有晚元古代至三叠纪海陆分布及海域沉积相图20幅、早寒武世至晚三叠世海陆变迁图5幅。这些图幅均有详细的文字说明。该书内容充实、观点鲜明,既充分吸收了国内外最新研究成果,又在许多方面富于独立见解,反映了我国八十年代初期岩相古地理研究水平。该书有如下特点: The book “Sedimentary Facies and Hydrocarbons of Sea and Land Changes in China” edited by Professor Guan Shicong (published by Science Press in 1984) is a monograph on the research of the national lithofacies paleogeography system. The book is divided into five chapters, respectively, the distribution of land and sea in China and its changes, sea sedimentary patterns, sea sedimentary facies, sea and land changes and sedimentary facies and the relationship between oil and gas, marine sedimentary hydrocarbon prospects and other issues. Attached to the book is the Late Proterozoic to Triassic sea-land distribution and marine sedimentary facies 20, the Early Cambrian to Late Triassic land-sea changes in Figure 5. These figures are detailed text description. The content of the book is substantial and the views are clear. It not only fully absorbs the latest research results both at home and abroad, but also is rich in independent opinion in many aspects, reflecting the research on the lithofacies paleogeography of China in the early 1980s. The book has the following characteristics:
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