Effect of soil set-up on the capacity of jacked concrete pipe piles in mixed soils

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & E | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cty810
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The increase in capacity of displacement piles with time after installation is typically known as soil/pile set-up. A full-scale field test is carried out to observe the set-up effect for open-ended concrete pipe piles jacked into mixed soils. Both the total capacity and the average unit shaft resistance increase approximately linearly with logarithmic time. The average increase rate for unit shaft resistance is 44% per log cycle, while the average increase for total capacity is approximately 21%. A review on case histories for long-term set-up indicates an average set-up rate of approximately 40%. Based on this, the mechanism of pile set-up is discussed in detail and a three-phase model is suggested. A gain of capacity of displacement piles with time after installation is usually known as soil/pile set-up. A full-scale field test is carried out to observe the set-up effect for open-ended concrete pipe piles jacked into mixed soils. Both the total capacity and the average unit shaft resistance are approximately linearly with logarithmic time. The average increase rate for unit shaft resistance is 44% per log cycle, while the average increase for total capacity is approximately 21%. A review on case histories for Based on this, the mechanism of pile set-up is discussed in detail and a three-phase model is suggested.
摘要:在分析暖通课程教学现状的基础上,提出了将CFD技术引入到暖通专业教学中来,通过将暖通的教学与CFD技术紧密结合使教学中难以讲解清楚的现象直观地展现在学生面前,有助于学生提高室内环境分析的基本技能和计算机操作与软件的应用能力。  关键词:CFD;暖通;教学  作者简介:李炎锋(1971-),男,河南新密人,北京工业大学建筑工程学院,教授;林欣欣(1988-),男,河北邢台人,北京工业大学建筑工
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