Direct fabrication of a microfluidic chip for electrophoresis analysis by water-assisted femtosecond

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JK0803_lijixiang
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We report the direct fabrication of a microfluidic chip composed of two high-aspect ratio microfluidic channels with lengths of 3.5 cm and 8 mm in a glass substrate by femtosecond laser micromachining. The fabrication mainly consists of two steps: 1) writing microchannels and microchambers in a porous glass by scanning a tightly focused laser beam; 2) high-temperature annealing of the glass sample to collapse all the nanopores in the glass. Migration of derivatized amino acids is observed in the microfluidic channel by applying electric voltage across the long-migration microchannel. We report the direct fabrication of a microfluidic chip composed of two high-aspect ratio microfluidic channels with lengths of 3.5 cm and 8 mm in a glass substrate by femtosecond laser micromachining. The fabrication mainly consists of two steps: 1) writing microchannels and microchambers in a porous glass by scanning a tightly focused laser beam; 2) high-temperature annealing of the glass sample to collapse all the nanopores in the glass. Migration of derivatized amino acids is observed in the microfluidic channel by applying electric voltage across the long-migration microchannel
患儿 ,男 ,4岁。就诊前 3小时因发烧由幼儿老师给口服安乃近 0 .5克后 ,出现大汗淋漓、心慌、胸闷、面色潮红 ,随之伴嗜睡而就诊。查体 :心率 1 1 4次 /分 ,脉搏细弱 ,血压 4
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