Tone of China’s Foreign NPC and CPPCC

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Chen Deming, China’s Minister of Commerce, remarked at the Fourth Session of the 11th National People’s Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) on March 7th that the principle for this year’s foreign trade policy is to “stabilize exports, boost imports and reduce trade surplus.” In the 2011 Report on the Work of the Government, regarding to the foreign trade work this year, Wen Jiaobao, Premier of the State Council, emphasized that the government would effectively change the way foreign trade develops, attach equal importance to exports and imports, and promote the co- ordinated development of overseas Chinese investment and the utilization of foreign capital in China.At the NPC and CPPCC, Chinese government set the fundamental tone for China to develop foreign trade and investment sector in 2011.
T e economic growth rate at 8%, price growth rate at 4%, new job opportunities increased by 9 million, fiscal deficit at RMB 900 billion, and broad money increased by 16%...the key data released in the Report on the Work of the Government reflected the trend of China’s economic development in 2011, which would provide a stable and favorable macro environment for the development of China’s

foreign trade and investment sector.
What kind of related policy environment for the development of China’s foreign trade and investment sector?
“In the next two years we will impose zero tariff s on more than 95% of the 7000 varieties of products. This is a unilateral measure we have adopted after the Doha round of trade talks had failed to reach the consensus.” said Chen Deming at the press conference during the period of NPC.
“We think that the conditions have been changing in favor of the full convertibility of capital accounts, and in the next fi ve years, we will see a remarkable progress,”said Yi Gang, Vice President of PBOC.
“T e Chinese government has decided to adopt proactive financial policy, which is a remarkable decision after a full analysis of the change in the economic environment both home and abroad…” remarked Xie Xuren, Minister of Treasury, at the press conference.
Special Report of China’s Foreign Trade this issue tries to give you a full picture on the trend of China’s foreign trade and investment sector 2011 by sorting out information and analysis in perspectives of keynote, the macro economic environment, the related policy environment as well as weighted proposals for the China’s foreign trade 2011 at the NPC and CPPCC 2011.
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