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我和《钓鱼》结缘是在2007年,那时我在年终翻阅报刊杂志的订阅目录时发现了《钓鱼》杂志,于是抱着订一年看看的心态到邮局订阅了下一年的杂志。等拿到杂志后,便被其丰富的内容、华丽的页面、独到的见解、新颖的钓技所深深吸引,用了四个小时一口气读完了全部内容。以至于数年后的今天,我依然记得那天我因为专心致志看杂志而忘了回家吃饭,还叫老婆子埋怨了一通。看完了上期杂志后,心里就再也没有安生下来,一直期盼着下期杂志早日到来,好让我一睹杂志的全部风采。等下期杂志到来后,也是一口气读完全部文章,让我后悔得直拍脑袋,心说 I got caught up in “Fishing” in 2007, when I found Phishing Magazine at the end of the year when I read through the subscription catalogs of newspapers and magazines, so I subscribed to the magazine for the following year with a year-long view. After getting the magazine, she was deeply attracted by her rich content, gorgeous pages, unique insights and novel fishing skills, and finished her reading in four hours in a breath. Even a few years later today, I still remember that day I forgot to go home for dinner because of devotion to the magazine, but also called the old woman blame a pass. After reading the last issue of the magazine, my heart no longer survived, has been looking forward to the next issue of magazine as soon as possible, so I saw all the magazine style. After the arrival of the next issue of magazine, it is also a breath of reading all the articles, let me regret it straight shots, heart said
【英国《国际核工程》2000年4月刊报道】 英国制定了一套新的条例,以保护工作人员免受电离辐射。 1999年制定的电离辐射条例(IRR1999)已于2000年1月1日开始生效。它将执行欧
目的:以24 h动态血压为观察指标,观察老年高血压患者中医证型之间血压变异性的差异.方法:观察91例60~79岁高血压患者,通过填写高血压中医临床证候调查问卷,收集年龄、性别、体
The Dahutang tungsten polymetallic ore field is located north of the Nanling W-Sn polymetallic metallogenic belt and south of the Middle—Lower Yangtze River Va
本专刊发表的论文 ,是中国辐射防护研究院 (下简称为中辐院 )和日本原子力研究所 (下简称为日原研 )合作开展、为期五年的“低中水平放射性废物浅地层处置安全评价方法研究”