
来源 :中学政治教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ahaulxg
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在中学任教的老师都有这种感受 :现在的德育工作真是太难做了 ,我们辛辛苦苦教了很长时间 ,可只要学生在家过一个假期 ,甚至只过一个周末 ,就被负面因素全抵消了。学生无法建立起真正的道德认知 ,更无法实现知、情、信、义、行的转化。在这种情况下 ,学校道德教育需要进一步地 Teachers who teach in middle school all have this feeling: The current moral education work is really too difficult to do. We have worked hard to teach for a long time, but as long as the students spend a holiday at home, or even only one weekend, they are negative factors. Offset. Students cannot establish a true moral awareness, and they cannot achieve the transformation of knowledge, emotion, faith, righteousness, and behavior. In this case, school moral education needs to further
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中学语文教学改革近廿个年头了,成绩斐然,但就文言文教学来看,正如钱梦龙先生所说的“是语文教学改革的一个‘死角’”。 今天,我们在一起共同研究探讨一下,中学文言文教学