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刘律师: 1997年7月我厂从开户银行贷款100万元用于购买原材料,后因市场形势发生变化,无法归还贷款。1998年12月我厂又在本市一信用社开立了一般存款户头,并与信用社建立了信贷关系。后我厂与异地一客户订立钢材购销合同,从开户信用社贷款200万元,用于支付货款。由于信用社未参加全国联行往来,所以我厂开具的汇票委托书由信用社出面通过原开户银行办理汇票手续。该银行在办理该业务时,从信用社存款帐户中付出200万元,作为汇出汇款科目中我厂结算保证金,并开出汇票由信用社交我厂带往异地购货。后因供货方无货,我厂只得办理退汇手续,并将汇票还回信用社。在此过程中,银行为收回我厂贷款,直接从汇出汇款科目中的企业结算保证金中扣收100万元,其余 Lawyer Liu: In July 1997, I borrowed a loan of 1 million yuan from an account bank for the purchase of raw materials. After the market situation changed, I could not repay the loan. December 1998 I plant in the city a credit union opened a general deposit account, and established a credit relationship with the credit cooperatives. After I plant and customers from different places to enter into a steel purchase and sale contract, from the credit cooperatives loans 2 million yuan for the payment of the purchase price. As credit unions did not participate in the National Bank exchanges, so my factory issued a power of attorney by the credit cooperatives to come forward through the original bank bills of exchange procedures. When the bank handled the business, it paid 2 million yuan from the deposit account of the credit cooperatives as the settlement deposit of the factory in the remittance remittance account, and issued a draft by the credit union to pay our factory to purchase in different places. After the supplier due to no goods, I have to apply for export procedures, and the money back to the credit cooperatives. In the process, the bank to recover my factory loan directly from the remittance account in the corporate settlement deposit deducted 1 million yuan, and the rest
5月5日晴!高三了,学习越来越紧张,留头发实在麻烦。于是我狠狠心,朝理发店走去。里面还有几个人在等,老板说:“头发不长啊,你要理平头吗?” May 5th, fine! Senior 3, learn
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安鱼    我是安鱼,我在寻找一个名叫红叶的女子。我们还未出生时就被指腹为婚。又是幼时的玩伴。然而,十一岁那年,一场战乱令我们分散,从此,天各一方,再无消息。  我唯一记得的是,她随身佩戴着一块枫叶形的玉。而且是血样的鲜红。据说她的名字也是由此而来。  此后,我到过无数,的地方,也经历过许多重大的变故。然而,我的寻找从未中断。  有一次,我受伤了。一位医女救了我。她有着一张甜美的脸,明眸皓齿,笑起
静谧的夜空,盛开着星星,就好像春日里的田园,盛开着鲜花。记不清这是第几次在梦境里,和我心爱的猫咪一起,坐在花丛中仰望星星。 The quiet night sky is full of stars. It