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电厂发电,然后通过中介的供电局向用户售电,供电局从用户那里回收电费,再同电厂结算……这是一个典型的商品销售过程。电厂是制造商,供电局是经销商,而电就是商品。供电局只有队用户手中及时收回电费,才能和电厂结算。电厂作为生产的一方,和其他的制造企业一样需要及时回收资金,进行再生产和扩大再生产。电这种商品,虽不像商店里的买卖“银货两讫”,但按时足额缴付电费,既是用电户应有的责任,也是电力部门正常生产经营的保证。而本是天经地义的用电收费,却变成了供电部门最艰难的课题。 The power plant generates electricity and then sells the electricity to the users through the intermediary’s electricity supply bureau. The electricity supply bureau collects the electricity charges from the users and settles with the power plants again ... This is a typical commodity sales process. The power plant is the manufacturer, the power supply bureau is the distributor, and the electricity is the commodity. Power Bureau only team users in the hands of the timely recovery of electricity in order to settle with the power plant. As a producer of power plants, like other manufacturing enterprises, it needs timely recovery of funds, re-production and expansion of reproduction. Although this kind of goods is not like the sale and purchase of “silver goods” in shops, the full and regular payment of electricity bills on time is not only the responsibility of consumers but also the guarantee of the normal operation and production of the power sector. This is a matter of course, electricity charges, but has become the most difficult issue of the power sector.
6月 1 2日 ,我国首座商用重水堆核电站———秦山三期核电站 2号机组并网发电 ,比计划进度提前了 91天 ,这是我国核电建设史上又一个重要的里程碑。秦山三期核电站两台机组的
经过与多家造船企业的激烈角逐,2002年12月16日,渤船重工有限责任公司与中海集团公司成功签订了2+2艘57300吨散货船建造合同。这是该公司与中海集团公司的首次合作。 中船重
On Mar. 25,2003, Prof, Zhu Daoben, Vice President of NSFC, met with the delegation led by Mr. Alan Taut), Executive Director of Research & Development Center o
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