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2014年3月11日,全国政协副主席、国家民委主任王正伟同志在国家民委副主任陈改户等同志的陪同下,到中国民族翻译局全国“两会”工作驻地视察并看望全体工作人员。王正伟同志充分肯定了翻译局今年全国“两会”的翻译服务工作,指出民族语文翻译工作是能够引起党中央、国务院高度重视的国家民委工作重要组成部分,是一项重大任务,也是一项光荣职责,关系到党的大政方针、重大战略决策、重要思路措施能否在少数民族和民族地区贯彻落实。民族语文翻译组的同志们在新一届翻译局领导班子的正确领导下,加班加点、尽职尽责、齐心协力,展现出了良好的风貌和努力拼搏的 On March 11, 2014, accompanied by Comrade Chen, who is the deputy director of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, and other comrades, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and Comrade Wang Zhengwei, director of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, visited the resident stations of the “two sessions” of the Chinese Nationalities Translation Bureau and visited the whole delegation staff member. Comrade Wang Zhengwei fully affirmed the translation services of the Bureau of Translation Studies this year across the country and pointed out that the national language translation work is an important part of the work of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission that can arouse the Central Committee and the State Council’s attention and is a major task as well as a The honorable duties of the project are related to whether the party’s major policies and major strategic decisions and important ideas and measures can be implemented in ethnic minorities and ethnic regions. Under the correct leadership of the leadership team of the new translation bureau, the comrades of the national language translation group worked overtime, worked diligently and made concerted efforts to show their good style and hard work
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