In recent years, Blacklook (1977) has suggested that the bladder may be damaged or contused to cause hematuria during a long run. When we consider the mechanism by which long-distance running causes gastrointestinal bleeding, it is also reminiscent of the hypothesis raised by Blacklock that iron deficiency in adult male athletes is often the result of gastrointestinal bleeding but that this is only possible for long-distance runners in recent years . In 1969, Clayton vomited black liquid and black stool after creating the world marathon run best in Rotterdam. So far, there have been many reports of black stools after long-distance running. Recently, Papaioannides (1984) reported 3 cases, of which 1 case was diagnosed as hemorrhagic gastritis. Thompson (1982) reported a cause of hemorrhagic gastritis after being exhausted. More long-distance runners do not pay enough attention to gastrointestinal bleeding, because many people are occult blood positive.