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病种费用负担,是指某病种病人在医疗过程中所花费的各种医疗费用。它是评价医疗单位社会效益好坏的重要指标。通过对这个指标的考核、评价,不仅有利于医院责任制的完善,而且也有利于改进医院经费补助办法,促使医院真正做到以尽可能少的医疗耗费取得尽可能大的医疗效果。因此,将病种费用负担正式列入统计指标是十分重要的。病种费用负担统计可采用卡片或建立台帐,由统计人员负责登记。病种费用负担统计报表,可在季末和年末由卫生院以上单位根据病种费用负担统计卡片或台帐资料填报。为了简化统计手续,可由财务科将出院病人结算收费收据增加一联贴在病历上,统计时,直接根据病历按病种(只统计常见宿种)归类汇总,然后登记病种费用负担统计原始登 The disease cost burden refers to the medical expenses incurred by a certain patient in the medical process. It is an important indicator for evaluating the social benefits of medical units. Through the evaluation and evaluation of this index, not only is it beneficial to the improvement of the hospital’s responsibility system, but it is also conducive to the improvement of the hospital funding subsidy scheme, and it urges the hospital to achieve the greatest possible medical effect with as little medical cost as possible. Therefore, it is very important to formally include the burden of disease costs on statistical indicators. Statistics on disease cost burdens can use cards or create accounts, and the statistics staff are responsible for registration. The statistical report on disease cost burdens can be reported by the health center or above at the end of the quarter and at the end of the year based on the statistical data of the disease cost burden or the account information. In order to simplify the statistical procedures, the financial department may add the patient settlement bill receipts for discharge to the medical records. When statistics are collected, the medical records will be directly classified according to the type of disease (only common statistics), and then the statistical burden of the cost of the registered diseases will be counted. Deng
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