Fire-needle acupuncture for upper limb spastic paralysis after stroke:Study protocol for a randomize

来源 :结合医学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chen6524
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Background:Fire-needle acupuncture,an important kind of acupuncture therapy,has been clinically used to treat upper limb spastic paralysis (ULSP) after stroke.Clinical experience has indicated that fire-needle acupuncture treatment takes less time,requires fewer visits,and has more rapid results and fewer side effects compared to chemical medicine altatives.This study will evaluate the effects of fire-needle acupuncture for ULSP in the context of standardized clinical research and provide high-quality data to inform clinical procedures and future study design.Methods/Design:A randomized controlled trial will be carried out to evaluate the effects of fire-needle acupuncture therapy in patients with ULSP from stroke.ULSP patients (n =120) will be recruited at Changhai Hospital in Shanghai,China.Patients will be randomly divided into three groups,including fire-needle acupuncture group (FAG),filiform-needle acupuncture group (FFAG) and rehabilitation treatment group (RTG).During the 3-week treatment,the FAG will be treated every two days,while FFAG and RTG will be treated 5 d in a row and then rest for 2 d.The Simplified Fugl-Meyer Motor Function Scale and Modified Ashworth Scale will be used as the primary outcome measures.Statistical analysis will be conducted by an independent statistician.Discussion:Through this study,the utility of fire-needle acupuncture in treating ULSP after stroke will be tested,and some specific claims of fire-needle acupuncture therapy will be evaluated,such as relieving spasm and muscular tension,improving activities of daily living,rapidity of response and less frequency of treatment compared with other treatments.
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1 点压阳陵泉穴缓解胆绞痛胆囊炎、胆结石发作时,右上腹可发生剧烈绞痛。若家距医院较远,病人可在小腿外侧腓骨头下寻找压痛敏感点,此点多在阳陵泉穴上。两手大拇指分别按压此穴,持续按摩2分钟,可获良好止痛效果。  2 点压至阳穴缓解心绞痛心绞痛发作时常伴有胸部压迫、窒息感。此时可用手持5分硬币,用硬币边缘按压至阳穴(位于背部第七胸椎下。病人低头垂臂,两侧肩胛角下缘连线交于脊背正中点即是此穴),每次按压3
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