
来源 :中国健康心理学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gdutzxp
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目的:士兵的理想不仅关系到其本人的社会化程度和未来发展,也关系到部队战斗力的生成和提高,关系到整个国防建设与发展水平。本研究拟在自编士兵理想问卷的基础上对士兵理想现状进行调查,以期为士兵理想的心理学研究提供工具,并为士兵理想教育提供参考。方法:本研究严格遵循问卷编制的程序,首先形成预测问卷,再探索预测问卷的结构,最后进行正式问卷的结构验证,编制了《士兵理想问卷》,并采取整群分层抽样方式对士兵理想现状进行了调查。结果:士兵理想共包含自我理想、社会理想、道德理想、人际理想、家庭理想、职业理想和生活理想等7个因素,验证性因素分析的拟合指标良好;自编的《士兵理想问卷》具有良好的信度和效度,总问卷同质性信度系数为0.875,7个维度的同质性信度系数在0.726~0.778之间,总分重测信度系数为0.869,而7个维度的重测信度系数则处于0.656~0.801之间。各个维度之间的相关都处于0.295~0.600之间;各维度和总得分之间的相关则位于0.592~0.776之间,表明问卷具有良好的聚合效度;士兵理想总体处于较高的水平,得分由高到低依次为道德理想、家庭理想、人际理想、社会理想、自我理想、职业理想、生活理想。结论:自编的《士兵理想问卷》可以用来作为考察当代军人理想的有效可信的工具。 Purpose: The ideal of soldiers is not only related to their own socialization and future development, but also to the formation and enhancement of the combat effectiveness of the armed forces and to the entire national defense construction and development level. This study intends to investigate the ideal situation of soldiers based on the self-made ideal questionnaire of soldiers so as to provide a tool for soldiers ’ideal psychology research and provide references for soldiers’ ideal education. Methods: This study strictly follows the procedure of questionnaire compilation, first of all, form the prediction questionnaire, then explore the structure of the prediction questionnaire, and finally carry out the structural verification of the formal questionnaire, compile the “soldier ideal questionnaire”, and adopt the cluster stratified sampling method to the soldiers ideal The status quo was investigated. Results: Soldier’s ideal contains seven factors including self-ideal, social ideal, moral ideal, interpersonal ideal, family ideal, career ideal and living ideal, and the fitting index of confirmatory factor analysis is good. The self-made Soldier Ideal Questionnaire has Good reliability and validity, the overall questionnaire reliability coefficient of 0.875, seven dimensions of homogeneity reliability coefficient between 0.726 ~ 0.778, the total score of test-retest reliability coefficient of 0.869, and seven dimensions The retest reliability coefficient is between 0.656 ~ 0.801. The correlation between the various dimensions are between 0.295 ~ 0.600; the correlation between each dimension and the total score is between 0.592 ~ 0.776, indicating that the questionnaire has a good degree of aggregation; the soldier’s ideal is generally at a high level, and the score From high to low, they are moral ideal, family ideal, interpersonal ideal, social ideal, self ideal, career ideal and life ideal. Conclusion: The self-made Soldier Ideal Questionnaire can be used as an effective and credible tool for examining the ideal of contemporary military personnel.
目的通过对手术后病人进行腹式呼吸训练指导,促进胃肠功能的恢复,缓解病人腹胀,防止便秘,预防并发症的发生。方法 指导病人进行规律的腹式呼吸训练。结果;经腹式呼吸训练,病人胃肠