An improved constant coefficient multiplication algorithm based on cascaded adder graph

来源 :Science China(Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ssaifengchen
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In many digital signal processing algorithms,e.g.,digital filters,the multiplier coefficients are constant.Hence,it is possible to implement the multiplier using shifts,adders,and subtracters.In this work a new algorithm of constant coefficient multiplication with few adders and registers is proposed.This approach is based on cascaded adder graph.In this paper all cascaded adder graph structures for any integer can be derived,and the analytical method for the number of register and adder occupation is given.Through comparison of occupied resources,the optimal adder graph can be obtained.Finally,comparing with previous optimal algorithms,a design example for finite impulse response(FIR) filter confirms the validity and good engineering practicability of this algorithm. In many digital signal processing algorithms, eg, digital filters, the multiplier coefficients are constant .ence, it is possible to implement the multiplier using shifts, adders, and subtracters. This work a new algorithm of constant coefficient multiplication with few adders and registers is proposed. This approach is based on cascaded adder graph. In this paper all cascaded adder graph structures for any integer can be derived, and the analytical method for the number of register and adder occupation is given.Through comparison of occupied resources, the optimal adder graph can be obtained. Finally, comparing with previous optimal algorithms, a design example for finite impulse response (FIR) filter confirms the validity and good engineering practicability of this algorithm.
[摘 要] 高水平的双钢琴演奏训练能提高演奏者敏锐的听觉、较强的是走能力、严格的节奏感、完善的作品把握与感受能力、对钢琴音色的倾听与控制能力、想象能力等各方面的素质,同时它又是训练演奏者与乐队或他人默契合作、提高合奏能力的科学途径,具有钢琴独奏课程乃至其他课程不可代替的独特作用。  [关键词] 双钢琴 教学  2001年《全日制义务教育艺术课程标准(实验稿)》的颁布,使中小学的艺术课程走向了正轨、
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