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2009年6月5日下午15时许,重庆市武隆县铁矿乡鸡尾山山体发生了大规模的崩滑,约500万m3被结构面切割成“积木块”状的灰岩山体,沿缓倾页岩软弱夹层发生整体滑动。高速运动的滑体物质在堵塞前部宽约200m,深约50m的铁匠沟沟谷后,形成平均厚约30m,纵向长度约2200m的堆积区,掩埋了12户民房和正在开采铁矿的矿井入口,造成10人死亡,64人失踪,8人受伤,成为近年来少有的一次崩滑灾难性事件。本文在对灾害现场进行大量地质调查的基础上,结合遥感、三维激光扫描等综合手段,对鸡尾山崩滑体特征进行了详细描述,对灾害发生原因进行了初步分析。结果表明,鸡尾山山体垮塌是在不利的地质结构条件下,并受到长期重力、岩溶等作用和采矿活动的影响,因前部起阻挡作用的关键块体被剪断突破而导致的一起大型山体崩滑事件。深入研究鸡尾山崩滑体的形成条件和成灾机理,对我国西南地区存在与鸡尾山崩滑体类似地质条件的灾害隐患点的减灾防灾工作,具有重要的指导意义。 At about 15:00 on June 5, 2009, a large-scale collapse and slippage occurred in Jwei Shan Mountain, Iron and Mining Township, Wulong County, Chongqing City. Some 5 million m3 were cut into structural limestone blocks with “structural blocks” , Sliding along the soft dip of slow-dip shale. After blocking the blacksmithing gully valley with a width of about 200m and a depth of about 50m in front, the high-speed moving body material formed an accumulation area with an average thickness of about 30m and a longitudinal length of about 2200m. It buried 12 houses and mine entrances where iron ore was being mined Resulting in 10 deaths, 64 missing and 8 injured, making it one of the rare disastrous landslides in recent years. Based on a large number of geological surveys on the site of the disaster, this paper describes the characteristics of the landslides in Jiuwei landslide combining with remote sensing and three-dimensional laser scanning, and makes a preliminary analysis of the causes of the disasters. The results show that the collapse of Jodao Mountain is under unfavorable geological conditions and is influenced by long-term gravity, karst and other mining activities. As a result of the breakthrough of the key block with the front barrier, a large mountain collapse Slip events. Further research on the forming conditions and mechanism of the landslides in the chaff has an important guiding significance for the disaster prevention and mitigation work in the disaster areas with similar geological conditions in the southwestern region of China.