
来源 :化学工程与装备 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mindy27
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同志们:这次全省地市化工局长会议,主要任务是:贯彻落实全国化工厅局长会议和省有关工作会议精神;总结我省石化工业去年工作,部署今年工作;研究当前生产建设中急需解决的问题;讨论在化工系统开展厂际竞赛和企业评比的实施方案。现在,我代表厅党组,就贯彻落实化工部和省委、省府有关会议精神,对去年工作总结和今年工作部署,讲几点意见,请讨论。 Comrades: The meeting of chiefs of the province’s prefecture-level chemical industry in the province has the following main tasks: to implement the spirit of the National Bureau of Chemicals and the spirit of the provincial working conference; to sum up our province’s petrochemical industry to work last year and to deploy this year’s work; to study urgently needed in the current production and construction. Issues; discuss implementation plans for inter-company competitions and corporate appraisals in chemical systems. Now, on behalf of the Office of the Party Committee, I will implement the spirit of the meeting of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, the Provincial Party Committee, and the provincial government. I will make a few comments on the summary of the work of the past year and the deployment of this year’s work. Please discuss.
彩电逆程电容:1000 V 0.033;1250V;4700pF 0.022;0.068μF 1600 V;6200,6800,7200,7500,7800,8200,9100pF均0.4元;①洗衣机定时器配旋钮15分钟9.5元,5分钟5元;②晶体管3 AG
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