An apparatus for accurately measuring solubilities of gases in liquids at elevated temperatures and

来源 :Acta Chimica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jayden1986
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An apparatus for measuring solubilities of gases in liquids at elevated temperatures andpressures has been constructed. Using this apparatus, the slubilities of N_2 and CO_2 in some solventshave been determined in the temperature range between 20 and 230℃, and at pressures up to 130 atm.The experimental results obtained generally agree well with literature values. It is shown that thisapparatus is reliable; attainment of equilibria needs only about 5 hours; precision of the measure-ments is ±0.2%. An apparatus for measuring solubilities of gases in liquids at elevated temperatures and pressure has been constructed. Using this apparatus, the slubilities of N_2 and CO_2 in some solvents has been determined in the temperature range between 20 and 230 ° C, and at pressures up to 130 atm. The experimental results obtained generally agree well with literature values. It shows as thisapparatus is reliable; attainment of equilibria needs only about 5 hours; precision of the measure-ments is ± 0.2%.
内容提要    前不久召开的中央政治局会议指出,当前我国经济发展正处在由回升向好向稳定增长转变的关键时期。做好下半年工作,对巩固应对国际金融危机冲击取得的成效、保持经济平稳较快发展,全面完成“十一五”规划目标任务、为“十二五”时期发展奠定较好基础,都具有重要意义。2010年上半年,我国经济运行总体态势良好,继续朝着宏观调控的预期方向发展,但经济发展面临的国内外环境仍然错综复杂,制约经济平稳运行的矛
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