Effects of glutamine and curcumin on bacterial translocation in jaundiced rats

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zye284818093
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AIM: To investigate the effect of curcumin on bacterial translocation and oxidative damage in an obstructive jaundice model and compare the results to glutamine, an agent known to be effective and clinically used. METHODS: Twenty-four female Wistar-Albino rats, weighing 200-250 g, were randomly divided into three groups (8 in each group). After ligation of the common bile duct in all animals, GroupⅠ received oral normal saline, Group Ⅱ received oral glutamine and Group Ⅲ received oral curcumin for seven days. Blood samples via cardiac puncture, tissue samples (terminal ileum, liver and mesenteric lymph node) and peritoneal fluid were obtained from the animals at the time of death to investigate bacterial translocation and oxidative damage. RESULTS: We observed that both glutamine and curcumin reduced bacterial translocation in blood, hepatocellular damage, plasma cytokine levels, oxidative tissue damage and apoptosis significantly compared to the control group. Additionally, glutamine showed protective effects on ileal epithelium and reduced villus atrophy. CONCLUSION: On the basis of these findings, both curcumin and glutamine are thought to be effective in preventing or reducing bacterial translocation and oxidative damage in obstructive jaundice. AIM: To investigate the effect of curcumin on bacterial translocation and oxidative damage in an obstructive jaundice model and compare the results to glutamine, an agent known to be effective and clinically used. METHODS: Twenty-four female Wistar-Albino rats, weighing 200- Group l received oral normal saline, Group II received oral glutamine and Group III received oral curcumin for seven days. Blood samples were randomly divided into three groups (8 in each group) via cardiac puncture, tissue samples (terminal ileum, liver and mesenteric lymph node) and peritoneal fluid were obtained from the animals at the time of death to investigate bacterial translocation and oxidative damage. RESULTS: We observed that both glutamine and curcumin reduced bacterial translocation in blood, hepatocellular damage, plasma cytokine levels, oxidative tissue damage and apoptosis significantly compared to the control group amine showed protective effects on ileal epithelium and reduced villus atrophy. CONCLUSION: On the basis of these findings, both curcumin and glutamine are thought to be effective in preventing or reducing bacterial translocation and oxidative damage in obstructive jaundice.
带女儿童童到朋友家做客,他家的琪琪比童童大一岁,上学前班,两个小伙伴玩得不亦乐乎。  琪琪给童童看自己的玩具猴,自豪地说这是讲故事比赛的奖品。童童问:“你得的一等奖吗?”琪琪摇摇头:“不是,是三等奖。”童童接着问:“为什么不是一等奖?是你爷爷朋友圈里的人少吗?”一句话把大家都说愣了。  前段时间,童童幼儿园组织了一次“亲子创意画”比赛,每个班挑选几幅作品拍成照片发到幼儿园微信公众号上,让大家投票评
《建筑电气》杂志2002年合订本正在发行,此前数年的合订本亦有售,价格见下表。注:1.上述价格已含邮挂费 2.书款通过邮局直汇我社,务请注明所购刊期、 份数、收件人、详细地
在新西兰,孩子参加同学或朋友的派对后,派对主办方会邀请孩子留宿,很多家长也会同意。这样可以让孩子增进友谊,同时也能学会处理同伴关系。这倒和国内不同,国内的父母一般不愿意让孩子在同学家过夜,更不愿意接纳他人过夜。  新西兰最常见的派对是生日派对,参加派对的男孩女孩都有,而留下来过夜的要看小寿星是男生还是女生了。也就是说,如果过生日的是女孩,就只留女孩,否则就只留男孩。  女儿上小学时,去过不少同学家
人的一生多数都是磕磕碰碰的,满是挫折和不顺,应该怎样看待人生的困顿?  一位明代的妈妈郑淑云,在给儿子的书信《示子朔》中说出了自己的看法。  示子朔  阅儿信,谓一身备有三穷:  用世颇殷,乃穷于遇;  待人颇恕,乃穷于交;  反身颇严,乃穷于行。  昔司马子长云:  然虞卿非穷愁,  亦不能著书以自见于后世。  是穷亦未尝无益于人,  吾儿当以是自励也!  诗的释义  孩子,看了你的来信,知道你