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对于高中生物来说,实验教学是非常重要的,所以在高中生物教学的过程中,教师就要做好实验教学,提高学生对于实验的认识和理解,从而更好地提高学生的生物成绩。对提高高中生物实验教学效率的措施进行了分析。 For high school biology, experimental teaching is very important, so in the process of high school biology teaching, teachers should do a good job of experimental teaching to improve students ’understanding and understanding of experiments so as to better improve the students’ biological performance. The measures to improve the teaching efficiency of high school biology experiment are analyzed.
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Objective: To investigate the neoplasm lymphatic metastasis-associated genes and its molecular mechanisms. Methods: 22690 mouse genome cDNA microarrays (includi
Objective: Even though radiotherapy plays a major role in the local treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), little is known about the molecular effects
我院自2000年3月至2001年2月对150例患者进行了包皮环扎坏死法治疗,取得满意疗效,报道如下。 临床资料 本组150例,无心、脑、肺、肝、肾、血液等严重疾病。其中包皮过长124
Objective: To investigate the expression of apoptosis related genes p53 and bcl-2 in atypical hyperplasia of mammary duct and the relationship between the gene