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怎样看待今年的市场和营销政策 本期我们以大家谈的方式,对今年的空调市场和营销政策进行了盘点。盘点后,业内人士有哪些看法呢?大概这样几点: 今年天公不作美,淡季太长,酷热时节太短。 消费者对品质、服努要求越来越高,越来越挑剔,手中的货币,“该出手时不出手”,选购越来越理性。买卖难做。 价格竞争越搞越激烈。无论对制造 How do you see this year’s market and marketing policies? In this issue, we have taken inventory of this year’s air-conditioning market and marketing policies. After the inventory, what are the views of the industry? Probably the following points: This year, the public is not the United States, the off-season is too long, the hot season is too short. Consumers are increasingly demanding about quality and service, and they are increasingly finicky. The money in their hands is “not to be sold when they are shot”, and buying is more rational. It is difficult to buy and sell. The price competition has become more intense. Regardless of manufacturing
The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic
新三角开放对中国转型至关重要。世界贸易组织(WTO)、永久性正常贸易关系(PNTR)和互联网(包括信息技术)这样的“新三角”将会进一步推动中国的开放。 The opening of the n
排名 企业名称 进出口额I 中国亓化斟断事业有限蕾司 999419 中国困际石油他工联台蛰可 741 724 仪征化纤集团公司42650 搜证化卦股借宥IM公司 36I靼 湛江朱兴再油盎业有限舒
这里的鞋款色彩斑斓、亮丽、花色品种齐全,且带着浓浓的女人娇媚味道,南国风情尽在其中。 The shoes here are colorful, bright, colorful and full of varieties, and wit
服务贸易市场开放的提前承诺责任在谁? 据报道,6月中旬,有关方面勒令家乐福将其全资拥有的三家东北超市至少35%的股权出售给两家中国公司,因为它违反了中国的超市外资拥有股
有条件的燃料油供商、贸易商和用户不仅可以应用传统的库存手段,而且还可以通过远期标准化合约的交易来规避风险,减少燃料油跨国贸易的风险。 Conditional fuel oil supplie