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以时间为维度,少数民族权利正当性理论有三个层面:历史正当性,主要体现为历史补偿性权利,本质上是道德权利;现实正当性,体现为解决“多数决”民主缺陷的宪政制衡权利,本质是政治权;未来正当性,主要体现为维护和保持民族特征的差别权利,本质上是文化自由和指向未来的机会、发展平等权。 In terms of time, the legitimacy of rights of ethnic minorities has three levels: historical legitimacy, which is mainly manifested as historical compensatory rights and essentially moral rights; and the actual legitimacy is reflected in the constitutional government that resolves the “democratic majority” of “majority decisions” The right to check and balance is essentially the political right. The legitimacy of the future is mainly manifested in the right to maintain and maintain the distinctiveness of the national identity. It is essentially an opportunity for cultural freedom and future-oriented development and the development of equal rights.
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大暑天,天有多热,玩虫的人心里就有多热,着急啊。  《礼记》“月令篇”里说:“六月,蟋蟀居壁”。其实,对于玩虫的人来说,居不居壁不是关键,关键是蟋蟀还没蜕完皮,还是秧子,算不得成虫。蟋蟀一生要蜕七道皮才能成虫,蜕皮的时候全身瘫软,全无自卫能力,天敌又多,机缘不好,就在蜕皮的过程中死掉了,算得上九死一生。  有些虫栖息地临近某些热源,早熟,已经开始叫了,玩虫的人称为热籽,不中用的。但是这一叫,逗得心
九曲十八湾,位于四川省北部阿坝州若尔盖县唐克乡。黄河在这里拐出一道靓丽的风景线,清澈又平静的河水,静静地流淌在草原上,从远处蜿蜒而至,如丝带般的柔滑温润…… Jiuchan
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