[提要]本文对日本学者松本洪撰写的《上代北支那の森林》一书进行了介绍性评价,指出该书是较早系统研究中国北方历史时期植被变迁的一部重要著作,但由于历史原因,中国历史地理学界对此书是一无所闻。松本洪在上个世纪40年代初期完成的这部著作,具有重要的先导意义,特别是在利用历史文献记载来复原中国北方古代森林植被形态这一点上,史念海后来所做的研究虽然在学术深度上要远远超出于松本洪之上,并且还普遍结合有实地考察和对考古发掘资料的运用,但是其基本思路和研究方法却与松本洪完全相同。因此,松本洪理应作为中国历史植被变迁研究的开拓者而被写在近代学术史里。“,”This paper comments on Site of North China Forest written by Japanese scholar Matsumoto Hong on the whole.The book is an important work which earlier researched China Northern history period of vegetation change.Because of historical reasons,Chinese Historical Geography didn 't know this book.The book completed by Matsumoto Hong in the early nineteen forties has important guiding significance,especially using the historical literatures to recover the Chinese ancient northern forest vegetation.The research of Shi Nianhai who generally combined the fieldwork and the archaeological data in academic depth is beyond the Matsumoto's.His basic ideas and research methods are identical with Matsumoto Hong.Therefore,Matsumoto Hong should be written in modern academic history as the founder who researched the China Northern history period of vegetation change.