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为落实司法部党组关于解决无律师县问题的工作部署,全国律协采取招募志愿律师的方式,自2014年3月至今,已派遣两批近80名律师先后前往青海、西藏的“无律师县”开展援助工作。两年多来,志愿律师们努力克服高原工作生活的诸多困难,紧紧围绕援助任务,坚持以宣传法律、推进法治为己任,迅速融入当地,不仅在法律宣传、法律知识培训、法律服务和法律援助等方面做了大量卓有成效的工作,为保障和维护当地社会稳定起到了促进作用,而且在援助藏区贫困家庭、帮扶学校贫困师生等方面竭尽所能,通过自筹或者发动募捐,切切实实为当地群众解决一些生产生活中的困难和问题,以实际行动帮助援助地区人民在法律意识不断提升的过程中生活更加美好,和谐。徐州爱心律师接力帮助两名藏族失聪儿童重回有声世界,便是由第二批志愿律师中的援藏律师潘鸿宇开始的…… In order to implement the work plan of the party group of the Ministry of Justice on resolving the problem of non-lawyer counties, the National Lawyers Association adopted a method of recruiting volunteer lawyers. Since March 2014, two batches of nearly 80 lawyers have been sent to Qinghai and Tibet, County "to carry out aid work. Over the past two years, volunteer lawyers have worked hard to overcome many difficulties in the work and life of the plateau. They have focused on assistance tasks, adhered to publicizing the law and promoting the rule of law, and quickly integrated themselves into the local area. Not only legal advocacy, legal knowledge training, legal services and laws Aid and so on. It has played a catalytic role in safeguarding and safeguarding local social stability. In addition, it has done its utmost to help poor families in Tibet and help poor teachers and students in schools. By self-financing or mobilizing donations, And effectively solve the difficulties and problems in some production and life for the local people and help them to live more beautiful and harmonious lives in the aid of the people in the growing awareness of the law through concrete actions. Xuzhou Caring Law Relay Relay Helps Two Tibetan Deaf Children Return to the Acoustic World By Pan Hongyu, Aiding Lawyer in the Second Volunteer Lawyer ...
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