Fatigue Damage Accumulation of Steel/rubber Composite

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jyy3196294
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The fatigue damage accumulation of [±20°] laminated steel cord reinforced rubber composite under T-T loading was studied. Results indicate that the increase in the cyclic maximum strain exhibits three-stage tendency in the process of fatigue. The macroscopic fatigue damage initiates from the ends of steel cords in the form of cylindrical crack. Damage propagates along with the increase in crack numbers, the cord/matrix interface debonding and the growth of interply cracks. By using the dynamic creep as parameter, a linear fatigue damage accumulation model was established. This model can be used under dual loading conditions to estimate the residual fatigue life of the specimen. Results indicate that that increase in the cyclic maximum strain exhibits three-stage tendency in the process of fatigue. The macroscopic fatigue damage initiates from the Damage propagates along with the increase in crack numbers, the cord / matrix interface debonding and the growth of interply cracks. By using the dynamic creep as parameter, a linear fatigue damage accumulation model established This model can be used under dual loading conditions to estimate the residual fatigue life of the specimen.
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