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刚上初中的时候根本分不清什么是文科、工科、理科。只是十分羡慕在报纸上发表文章的人,强烈地企盼有朝一日也能将自己的文章,父母给取的名字登在家喻户晓的报纸上。于是凭着一股发表欲,也不考虑素材、中心、文体,提起笔想到什么就写什么,写了就寄,反正我那时寄稿从不贴邮票,也没钱买邮票。 我住在上海郊县一个古镇上。据老人们讲,七十年来这古镇上没出过像样的读书人。记得“大四清”的六十年代,镇西面北造了好几间茅草屋,作大队的办公室。这样,古镇算是有了些生气。每天晚上在四清工作组的带动下,一群青年男女在里面学唱《不忘阶级苦》,居然还排成了有情节的表演 When junior high school simply can not distinguish what is liberal arts, engineering, science. It is only the envy of those who publish articles in the newspapers that they strongly hope that one day they will be able to place their articles and the names given by their parents on the household newspaper. So with a published desire, also do not consider the material, center, style, what to write what the pen up, write to send, anyway, when I never post stamps, nor the money to buy stamps. I live in an ancient town in the suburbs of Shanghai. According to the old people, the ancient town has not had a decent scholar in the past 70 years. I remember the “big four” in the sixties, the town west of the north built several thatched cottages, as the brigade’s office. In this way, the town is considered somewhat angry. Driven by the working group Siqing every night, a group of young men and women sing inside singing “Do not forget class suffering”, actually arranged into a plot performance
Per-and polyfluoroalkyl iodides[R_FI,R_F=Cl(CF_2)_4,1a;Cl(CF_2)_6,1b;Cl(CF_2)_8,1c;n-C_6F_(13),1d;n-C_8F_(17),1e]reacted with cyclic enol ethers such as 2,3-di
从用户交流与体验、细节服务、管理模式与服务评估等角度分析了制约学科服务开展的因素,在此基础上介绍了北京大学图书馆在学科服务方面所做的一些探索。 From the perspect
The addition of sodium perfluoroalkanesulfinates (R_FSO_2Na) to various olefins (CH_2=CHR)initiated by Fenton reagent (Fe~(2+)-H_2O_2) in the presence of sodiu
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Recentprogressinthetoxicologicalresearchof2,3,7,8┐tetrachlorodibenzo┐p┐dioxinandrelatedcompoundsLIXue-Lin(CenterforReproducti... Recent progress in theological research of 2,3,7,8┐tetrachlorodibenzo┐p┐dioxinandrelatedcompoundsLIXue-Lin (CenterforReproduc