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点击理由陈志平治学以文献学筑基,读书期间,与汉上名家张天弓交谊甚厚。后来,陈志平义考上首部师范大学,问学于当代书坛名宿欧阳中石。往文献学和书法学之间,陈志平逐渐找到了自己学术研究的立足点。陈志平话语书法和所有其他艺术史一个显著的不同在于它更加强调人文和历史的内涵。宋代以来,书法形成了“归本于人”“先文后墨”的历史倾向,有关书法的所有叙述、评论、鉴赏、研究都离不开背后的“人”的因素。因此,在当今各种观念和思潮不断冲击传统学术的背景之下,坚守传统学术的立场,继承“知人论世”的传统,这在今后相当长的一段时间内,仍旧是书法史研究的主流和必须坚持的方向。 Click on the reason Chen Zhi-ping scholarship to documentology building base, during the study, and Han famous Zhang Tian Gong friendship is very thick. Later, Chen Zhiping Yi admitted to the first normal university, asked to learn in the contemporary book star Ouyang Zhongshi. Between literature and calligraphy, Chen Zhiping gradually found his foothold in academic research. One striking difference between Chen Zhiping’s discourse calligraphy and all other art history lies in its emphasis on the connotation of humanities and history. Since the Song Dynasty, calligraphy has formed a historical tendency of “returning to the original ” “after the ink ”, all the narration, comment, appreciation and research on calligraphy are inseparable from the . Therefore, under the current background of constantly attacking traditional academic concepts and thoughts, adhering to the traditional academic standpoint and inheriting the tradition of “knowing others and discussing the world”, it remains a historical study of calligraphy for a long period of time to come The mainstream and must adhere to the direction.
该文开发了一种新型的磷酸钙骨水泥CMCS,合成了磷酸钙骨水泥的主要原料a--磷酸 三钙(a--TCP)和羟基磷酸钙(HAP),对CMCS及a---TCP的水化机理进行了研究.
该文主要研究了巴来酸酐与1,2-环己烷二酸二异丁酯二元系统的热力学性质,归纳、比较了汽液平衡的实验测量方法; 利用静态法测定了纯马来酸酐和1.2-环己烷二羧酸二异丁酯在不