国家“十一五”科技攻关项目 社会治安动态预警、综合防控技术体系研究与示范

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在公安部科技局等主管部门的组织领导下,在中国安全防范产品行业协会、公安部第一研究所及有关企业、专家的大力支持与配合下,我国安防行业首次将科研项目申报列入了国家“十一五”科技攻关项目序列,将在国家科技部最后核批后进入招标和研发阶段。该项目针对我国社会公共安全的形势和特点,配合“平安城市”建设和“城市报警与监控系统建设‘3111’试点工程”,力争在“十一五”期间,实现社会公共安全防范技术领域的相关理论和关键技术的突破和创新,为我国社会治安动态防范体系的建设提供从基础理论、系统架构到关键技术与产品的全方位的技术支撑。项目将从三个方面设立攻关课题:第一方面包括社会治安风险、动态预警、综合防控体系效能评估及应急处置技术研究;第二方面包括社会治安动态监测、预警防范、综合处置系统集成平台技术研究与示范;第三方面包括社会治安动态防范系统关键技术研究。安防科研项目能够列入国家“十一五”科技攻关项目序列,是行业发展中里程碑式的一件大事。不仅表现了国家及有关部门对安防事业的高度关注及政策支持,集中反映了社会对安防高新技术的迫切需求,也从另一方面表明我国安防行业经过多年的艰苦创业与积累,研发力量和水平已经具备了承担国家级重大研究项目的能力,实现了质的飞跃。项目在前期申请立项的过程中,由于时间短,任务重,不少企业、专家作出了无私的奉献。本期专题选择了企业最为关心的项目研究目标、关键技术创新点等内容进行简要介绍,同时采访了主管部门、行业协会有关领导及部分参加前期申请立项研究论证的有关企业,特约了部分专家,请他们针对项目的意义、组织管理、技术难点、注意事项等从不同角度进行了阐述,对课题实施的技术、工艺路线进行了设想和展望。本期刊登课题第一、二两个层面的内容,第三方面的有关关键技术研究的部分将在下期刊登。 Under the leadership of the competent departments of the Ministry of Public Security and other competent departments and under the strong support and cooperation of the China Security Protection Products Industry Association, the First Institute of the Ministry of Public Security and relevant enterprises and experts, China’s security industry first listed scientific research projects in National “Eleventh Five-Year” scientific and technological project sequence will be approved by the Ministry of Science and finally enter the bidding and R & D stage. The project aims at the situation and characteristics of social public safety in our country, cooperating with the construction of “Safe City” and the “3111 pilot project of urban alarm and monitoring system construction”, and strive to realize the public safety precaution technology during the “11th Five-Year Plan” period Related theories and breakthroughs in key technologies and innovation for China’s social security system to provide dynamic prevention from the basic theory and system architecture to key technologies and products of all-round technical support. The project will set up research topics in three aspects: The first aspect includes research on social security risk, dynamic early warning, effectiveness evaluation of integrated prevention and control system and emergency response technology research; the second aspect includes social security monitoring, early warning and prevention, integrated disposal system integration platform Technical research and demonstration; the third aspect includes the research on key technologies of social security dynamic prevention system. Security research projects to be included in the national “Eleventh Five-Year” scientific and technological project sequence is a milestone in the development of the industry a major event. It not only shows the high degree of concern and policy support from the state and relevant departments to the cause of security, but also reflects the urgent need of the society for high-tech security and protection. On the other hand, it shows that after many years of arduous pioneering and accumulation in China’s security industry, the strength and level of research and development Already have the ability to undertake major national research projects, to achieve a qualitative leap. Projects in the early stage of the project to apply for approval, due to a short time, heavy tasks, many businesses, experts made a selfless dedication. In this issue, the author chooses a brief introduction about the research objectives and key technical innovations that the enterprise is most concerned about. At the same time, it interviewes relevant leaders of the competent departments and industry associations and some related enterprises that participated in the preliminary research and demonstration projects, They are invited to elaborate on the significance of the project, organization and management, technical difficulties, precautions and so on from different angles, and to carry out the vision and prospect of the technology and technological route for the implementation of the project. This issue of the first issue of the issue content, two levels of content, the third part of the key technology research section will be published in the next issue.
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