
来源 :拉丁美洲研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:harddisk
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80年代,拉丁美洲经济发生了深刻变化。战后将近30年的经济持续增长局面发生了逆转,传统经济发展理论面临严峻挑战,拉美经济理论界经过深刻反思,正在探索新的发展理论;拉美经济发展战略正在由国家干预下的进口替代工业化,向市场导向的面向出口和有效的、有选择的进口替代相结合的新模式转变,出现了经济市场化、贸易自由化和企业私有化的新趋势。上述变化表明,拉美经济在经过将近10年的重大调整之后,正在出现新的转折,其最重要的标志是,战后拉美国家实行了几十年的发展模式正在发生根本性的变化。尽管拉美各国在经济调整的规模、发展战略转型的速度等方面存在较大差异,它们都对各自的发展战略进行了重大调整,选择了一条更加开放、更富于挑战性和竞争性的新的发展道路。这一变化,对本世纪最后几年甚至下个世纪拉美地区的经济发展都将产生重大影响。 In the 1980s, profound changes took place in Latin America’s economy. The situation of sustained economic growth in the past 30 years after the war has been reversed. The theory of traditional economic development is facing severe challenges. The Latin American economic theorists have been deeply rethinking and are exploring new development theories. The economic development strategy of Latin America is being replaced by imports under state intervention. , A shift in the new model of market-oriented export-oriented and effective and selective import substitution, and a new trend of economic marketization, trade liberalization and privatization of enterprises. The above changes indicate that after nearly 10 years of major readjustment, the Latin American economy is seeing a new turning point. The most important symbol of this is that fundamental changes have taken place in the development model that Latin American countries have implemented for decades after the war. Although all countries in Latin America have great differences in terms of the scale of economic restructuring and the rate of development strategy transformation, all have made major adjustments to their respective development strategies and have chosen a new and more open, more challenging and competitive new Development path. This change will have a significant impact on the economic development of Latin America in the last few years of this century and even in the next century.
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