Insulin-producing cells are bi-potential and differentiatorsprior to proliferation in early human de

来源 :World Journal of Diabetes | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangyuantianjin99se
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AIM: To investigate the differentiation and migration of endocrine cells to form the pancreatic islets of Langer-hans in early human development.METHODS: Embryonic pancreas of 6-14 wk gestation was observed using immunocytochemistry methods in early human development.RESULTS: Insulin and glucagon are expressed in the same epithelium cells in the pancreas. In addition, insulin-producing cells also secrete somatostatin in early human embryonic development and these insulin-producing cells also express nestin.CONCLUSION: Pancreatic duct epithelial cells that can produce insulin in early human development are precursors and still have the potential to differentiate other endocrine cells. These progenitors have differentiated before migration from primary ductal epithelium to form the pancreatic islets. AIM: To investigate the differentiation and migration of endocrine cells to form the pancreatic islets of Langer-hans in early human development. METHODS: Embryonic pancreas of 6-14 wk gestation was observed using immunocytochemistry methods in early human development .RESULTS: Insulin and glucagon are expressed in the same epithelium cells in the pancreas. In addition, insulin-producing cells also secrete somatostatin in early human embryonic development and these insulin-producing cells also express nestin. CONCLUSION: Pancreatic duct epithelial cells that can produce insulin in early human development are precursors and still have the potential to differentiate other endocrine cells. These progenitors have differentiated before migration from primary ductal epithelium to form the pancreatic islets.
故 事  毕业后,我在某外企公司谋到了一份专业对口而又待遇不薄的工作。此时我23岁,正是女人最美丽的年华。很快,我被部门经理余江的男人气息冲垮了情感堤坝。每一次余江接过公文时,他微微的笑意从那黑黑深深的双目中射出,四目相对的那一瞬间,我有一种触电的感觉,而且,我发觉自己的这种感觉越来越强烈,以致在心里梦里总是在不觉中被他的影子缠绕,挥之不去。  转眼间,春来了,但城市上空的气候仍旧很干燥,不经意
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