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农药产品大致可分为:专利期品种、过专利期品种及无专利品种。目前专利到期产品和非专利农药产品是农药的主要市场,约占农药市场70%的市场份额。保护农药知识产权,维护农药开发和技术创新的积极性,对维护农药行业的健康发展十分重要。农药领域的专利和行政保护较多,如何避免专利侵权及产权纠纷,也是农药企业十分关注的事情。“十二五”期间,我国将有多个农药品种的专利保护到 Pesticide products can be broadly divided into: patent varieties, over patent varieties and non-patent varieties. The current patent expiration products and generic pesticide products are the major markets for pesticides, accounting for about 70% of the pesticide market share. Protecting the intellectual property of pesticides and maintaining the enthusiasm of pesticide development and technological innovation are very important to maintain the healthy development of the pesticide industry. There are more patents and administrative protections in the field of pesticides. How to avoid patent infringement and property rights disputes is also a matter of great concern to pesticide companies. During the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”, China will have patent protection for several pesticide varieties
概要介绍了用AutoCAD软件进行三维设计的方法和三维模型转换成图纸的步骤 ,指出了AutoCAD中三维设计相对于二维设计的优点 ,提倡设计者使用其三维方法进行机械设计。 This p
我们采用鼻腔内奴佛卡因直流电导入的方法,治疗飞行人员慢性单纯性鼻炎61例,疗效较好。现报道如下。 1 对象与方法 We use intranasal enslaved cocaine direct current me
<正> 常年变态反应性鼻炎治疗方法虽多,但效果不甚理想。自1987年始,笔者试用鼻腔去敏膜配合脉冲式鼻腔紫外线治疗280例,效果较好,现报道如下。 1 对象和方法 1.1 对象 治疗
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After the impressive results in the treatment of respiratory failure in premature babies, natural surfactant has been proposed for the treatment of several lun