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首届“科学小说”征文启事中国科技城绵阳市是我国较早专门提出和系统研究“科学小说”的地区。所谓科学小说,是根据主题的需要,将有关的科学知识恰如其分地描述出来,既深化了主题又传播了科学文化知识的小说。科学小说和科幻小说既有联系又有区别。科学小说的核心趣味与科幻小说也类似,都是用公众并不熟悉的知识来驱动情节,造成神秘感、奇异感,满足人们的好奇心,但科学小说更注重将现有科学知识作为文学的有机组成部分,对普及现实科学的作用更为明显。绵阳市建有仙海科普创新基地,有自己的科普创作 The First Scientific Novel Invitations Mianyang City of Science and Technology of China is an area specially proposed and systematically researched in China for Science Fiction. The so-called science fiction, based on the needs of the subject, aptly described the relevant scientific knowledge, both deepening the theme and spread the scientific and cultural knowledge of the novel. There are both connections and differences between science fiction and science fiction. The core interest of science fiction is also similar to that of science fiction, which uses the unfamiliar knowledge of the public to drive the plot, causing mystery and strangeness to satisfy people’s curiosity. However, scientific novels pay more attention to using existing scientific knowledge as literature Organic components, the role of popularization of the reality of science is more obvious. Mianyang City has built a science-based innovation base Cape, has its own popular science creation
A 题组新编1 设P是椭圆x2a2 + y2b2 =1(ab0 )上的动点 ,F1、F2 是其焦点 ,A1、A2 是长轴端点 ,B1、B2 为短轴端点 .分别求下列各值的取值范围 :(1) |PF1|·|PF2 | ;  (2 )|PA1|·
利用 Power Point可以形象直观地解决电学实验中的实物连接问题 .例题 如图 1所示 ,在测定金属电阻率的实验中 ,金属导线长约 0 .8m,直径小于 1mm,电阻在 5Ω左右 ,金线导线
Objective To investigate the hispathological characteristics and antioxidant responses in liver of silver carp after intraperitoneal administration of microcyst
电磁感应现象中的“楞次定律”是一个教学难点 ,教师在教学中为了加强学生对楞次定律中描述到的“阻碍”二字的理解 ,往往会从导体和磁体间相对运动的角度去分析 (感应电流总
随着铁路经济走向市场,电务设备状态修对提高运输能力起到了至关重要的地位,如何利用微机监测系统进行信号设备状态修则成为我们探讨的重点。 With the railroad economy go