
来源 :中国音乐 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yidatian2009
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黎族平安舞起源于黎族的远古时代,且与宗教信仰有关。平安舞属集体舞形式,整体过程分为三段式,第一舞段表示驱赶邪恶鬼魂并招呼众兄弟姐妹入居新屋,第二舞段表示招纳福魂,第三舞段表示兴高采烈的心情。艺术特征体现在舞蹈动作粗犷、古朴、外露、直率,音乐节奏明快,并已有了基本的程式;动作语言虽然简单直观,但内涵神秘丰富,主题突出,造型富有美感;音乐节奏虽然简单沉稳,但随舞蹈内涵不同而变化。平安舞在研究黎族舞蹈中具有丰富的文化功能和很高的文化价值。 Li Ping dance originated in the ancient Li Dynasty, and with religious beliefs. Ping dance is a form of collective dance, the overall process is divided into three sections, the first stage that drive away evil ghosts and greet siblings living in new homes, the second stage means to recruit spirits, the third stage expressed ebullient mood. The artistic features are embodied in the rough, simple, straightforward, straightforward dance movements, and the rhythm of the music is bright and the basic programs are already in place. Although the action language is simple and intuitive, the content is mysterious and rich in content with prominent themes and aesthetically pleasing style. Although the rhythm of the music is simple and steady, But with the different connotation of dance changes. Ping dance in the study of Li dance has rich cultural features and high cultural value.
Aim: To evaluate left ventricular (LV) diastolic function in children with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) using conventional pulsed-Doppler echocardiography and
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Objective. -To describe the efficacy and tolerability of rapid intravenous valproic acid (VPA) infusions in children with severe migraine headache. Background.