CPAFFC reopens Rewi Alley’s residence

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  O n July 10, the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries reopened the former residence of Rewi Alley in its compound as part of an activity organized for that day — Friendship Day. A photo exhibition devoted to Alley was held at the residence. The event celebrated the centennial of the Communist Party of China, and was an expression of respect and gratitude to Alley and other international friends for their understanding, support and assistance in China’s revolution and construction.
  More than 50 people joined the event, including Lin Songtian, president of the CPAFFC; Sha Zukang, president of China-Pakistan Friendship Association and former deputy secretary-general of the United Nations; Isabel Crook, PRC Friendship Medal laureate; ambassadors or charges d’affaires from 22 countries; Michael Crook, chair of the International Committee for the Promotion of Chinese Industrial Cooperatives(Gung Ho-ICCIC); Charles Boulton, political counsellor of the New Zealand embassy in China; and families of wellknown international friends Shafick George Hatem, Hans Mueller and Zheng Lvcheng.
Rewi Alley’s residence reopening ceremony

  Addressing the event, Lin recalled the deeds of international friends who had helped with China’s revolution and construction. From the 1950s to 1980s, Lin said, five renowned international friends, including Anna Louise Strong and Robert William from the United States, Jose Venturelli from Chile, Saionji Kinkazu from Japan and Rewi Alley from New Zealand, lived here in the CPAFFC compound in different periods. Alley was the longest resident.
  He was an old and dear friend of the Chinese people, a great internationalist and fighter for justice and compassion. He is deeply loved and admired by the Chinese people.
  “We gather here today with great respect to hold this ceremony and a photo exhibition on Alley. This is a very significant event,” Lin said.
  “First, the event salutes Alley for his outstanding contributions to the Chinese revolution and construction. He dedicated 60 years to China, living, fighting and working in this country from 1927 to 1987,” Lin said.
  During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Alley, along with Edgar Snow, Mrs. Snow and other international friends who stood firmly on the right side of justice and history, launched the Gung Ho Movement and made important contributions to the Chinese people’s resistance to Japanese aggression and the victory of China’s New Democratic Revolution.   After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Alley spared no effort to support China’s development, promote people-to-people friendship between China and other countries and safeguard world peace. Sharing hardship with the Chinese people, he was a good soldier in China’s revolutionary war, a good adviser for the construction of the New China and a good envoy of people-to-people diplomacy. His persistent pursuit of truth, generous humanitarian spirit, internationalism and boundless love will be cherished by the Chinese people forever. Many Chinese leaders, including Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping and Xi Jinping, have spoken highly of him, Lin said.
  “Second, organizers of the event wanted to comfort the souls of Alley and other deceased international friends and let them know that their choice of justice was correct,” he said. “As a Chinese saying goes, a just cause enjoys abundant support while an unjust one finds little. During the past century, the Communist Party of China has never been alone and its just cause received understanding, sympathy and support from Alley and many other international friends of vision. The CPC has always taken national independence, prosperity, rejuvenation and people’s well-being as its original aspiration and founding mission, and put the interests of the country, the nation and the peo- ple first above everything else.
  “Today, under the great leadership of CPC, the Chinese nation has realized its first centenary goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and brought about a historic ending to the problem of extreme poverty in China. The nation has realized a tremendous transformation: It has stood up, grown rich and is becoming stronger and is contributing more to world peace and development. I believe, our international friends must be gratified for what the CPC has achieved, and proud of the choice they made,” Lin said
  “Third, the event demonstrated the Chinese people’s firm determination to carry forward Alley’s boundless love and spirit of internationalism. On the occasion of the centennial of the CPC, the CPAFFC held a host of events commemorating Alley and other international friends. The Chinese peo- ple will never forget those friends who worked and fought closely with us for China’s revolution, construction and development, no matter how far China has gone in its development.
  “The CPAFFC reopened Alleys residence in the hope that more people from home and abroad will gain a better understanding about him and carry forward his internationalist spirit of upholding truth, justice, selfless dedication and boundless love.   “Next year will mark the 125th anniversary of Alley’s birth, the 95th anniversary of his arrival in China and the 35th anniversary of his passing. The CPAFFC will hold more commemorative events.”
Guests attending the event take a group photo.

  Lin noted that in the past, Alley and other international friends took the association as their home, worked hard to enhance friendship between China and the rest of the world and jointly composed an ode to friendship between the Chinese people and people of New Zealand and other countries.
  “Today, the compound of the CPAFFC is once again graced by the presence of many friends, starting a prelude of friendship between China and the rest of the world in the new era,” Lin said. “Let’s learn from Rewi Alley and join hands to build bridges of people-to-people friendship, safeguard world peace, promote common prosperity and make new contributions to the building of a human community with a shared future.”
  Zhou Youma and Michael Crook told touching stories of the CPC and Alley, George Hatem and other international friends, and how Alley initiated the Gung Ho movement and supported China’s revolution and construction. They said that if those international friends had lived to know that their deeds continue to inspire people from home and abroad to strive for world peace and development, they would be very proud and pleased.
  Counsellor Charles Boulton, on behalf of New Zealand’s Ambassador to China Clare Fearnley, gave his congratulations on the reopening of Rewi Alley’s residence and the photo exhibition. He hailed Alley as a symbol of the friendship between New Zealand and China and expressed hope that the two peoples would carry on Alley’s spirit and enhance mutual understanding, friendship and win-win cooperation.
  After the reopening ceremony, Lin led the ambassadors and other guests to see the exhibition on Alley.
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