Prediction of a superhard material of ReN_4 with a high shear modulus

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:riugrur
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Using first-principles calculations, this paper systematically investigates the structural, elastic, and electronic properties of ReN 4 . The calculated positive eigenvalues of the elastic constant matrix show that the orthorhombic P bca structure of ReN 4 is elastically stable. The calculated band structure indicates that ReN 4 is metallic. Compared with the synthesized superhard material WB 4 , it finds that ReN 4 exhibits larger bulk and shear moduli as well as a smaller Poisson’s ratio. In addition, the elastic constant c 44 of ReN 4 is larger than all the known 5d transition metal nitrides and borides. This combination of properties makes it an ideal candidate for a superhard material. Using first-principles calculations, this paper systematically investigates the structural, elastic, and electronic properties of ReN 4. The calculated positive eigenvalues ​​of the elastic constant matrix show that the orthorhombic P bca structure of ReN 4 is elastically stable. That ReN 4 is metallic. Compared with the synthesized superhard material WB 4, it finds that ReN 4 exhibits larger bulk and shear moduli as well as a smaller Poisson’s ratio. In addition, the elastic constant c 44 of ReN 4 is larger than all the known 5d transition metal nitrides and borides. This combination of properties makes it an ideal candidate for a superhard material.
冀南银行是晋冀鲁豫边区的地方性银行。抗日战争时期,为适应抗战形势需要,中共中央北方局和晋冀边区政府决定设立自己的金融机构,发行冀钞。该行于1939年10月15日成立,总行设于山西黎城县小寨村,印刷厂分别设于左权(辽县)桐峪、黎城小寨沟一带的自然村。冀钞共发行面额有19类、47种之多。1948年8月冀南银行与晋察冀边区银行在石家庄合并为华北银行。  这套冀南银行发行的背书式票样共有三种,规格均为长1
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秦私印中除半通印外,也有方形和其它形状的,如圆形、椭圆形等。多有格栏装饰,文字笔画、风格大致与其它官私 Qin private printing in addition to semi-pass printing, the