Assessment of duodenogastric reflux by combined continuous intragastric pH and bilirubin monitoring

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lengkuhui
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AIM:To assess the diagnostic value of a combination ofcontinuous intragastric pH and bilirubin monitoring in thedetection of duodenogastric reflux(DGR),and the effectsof diet on the bilirubin absorbance.METHODS:30 healthy volunteers were divided into twogroups:standard diet group(Group 1)18 cases,free dietgroup(Group 2)12 cases.Each subjects were subjected tosimultaneous 24 hour intragastric pH and spsctrophotometricbilirubin concentration monitoring(Bilitec 2000).RESULTS:There was no difference of preprandial phasebilirubin absorbance between two groups.The absorbanceof postprandial phase was significantly increased in group 2than group 1.There was no difference between preprandialphase and postprandial phase absorbance in group 1.Postprandial phase absorbence was significantly higher ingroup 2.In a comparison of bile reflux with intragastric pHduring night time,there were 4 types of reflux:Simultaneous increase in absorbence and pH in only 19.6%,increase in bilirubin with unchanged pH 33.3%,pHincrease with unchanged absorbance 36.3%,and bothunchanged in 10.8%.Linear regression analysis showed nocorrelation between percentage total time of pH<4 andpercentage total time of absorbance>0.14,r=0,068,P<0.05.CONCLUSION: Because of the dietary effect, high absorbance fluids or foods should be avoided in detection. Intragastric pH and bilirubin monitoring separately predict the presence of duodenal (and/or pancreatic) reflux and bile reflux. They can not substitute for each other. The detection of DGR is improved if the two parameters are combined simultaneously. AIM: To assess the diagnostic value of a combination of continuous intragastric pH and bilirubin monitoring in the progression of duodenogastric reflux (DGR), and the effects of diet on the bilirubin absorbance. METHODS: 30 healthy volunteers were divided into twogroups: standard diet group (Group 1 There were no differences of preprandial phasebilirubin absorbance between two groups. The absorbance of postprandial phase was (18), 18 cases, free dietgroup (Group 2) 12 cases. Each subjects were subjected to tosimultaneous 24 hour intragastric pH and spsctrophotometric bilirubin concentration monitoring (Bilitec 2000) significantly increased in group 2than group 1. There was no difference between preprandialphase and postprandial phase absorbance in group 1. Postprandial phase absorbance was significantly higher group 2. In a comparison of bile reflux with intragastric pHduring night time, there were 4 types of reflux: Simultaneous increase in absorbence and pH in only 19.6%, increase in bilirubin with unchanged p H 33.3%, pHincrease with unchanged absorbance 36.3%, and both with changes in 10.8% .Linear regression analysis showed nocorrelation between percentage total time of pH <4 andpercentage total time of absorbance> 0.14, r = 0,068, P <0.05.CONCLUSION: Because of The dietary effect, high absorbance fluids or foods should be avoided in detection. Intragastric pH and bilirubin monitoring both predict the presence of duodenal (and / or pancreatic) reflux and bile reflux. They can not substitute for each other. improved if the two parameters are combined simultaneously.
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1968年8月3日,正是文化大革命热潮中,杨朔离世。    长期以来,关于杨朔的死,有三种说法。一种说法是,因感染肺炎去世。另一种说法是,被造反派迫害致死。还有一种说法是,自杀身亡。    而在刚刚出版的《资中筠自选集:不尽之思》中,曾和杨朔有过近距离接触的资中筠,首次向外界披露了一个信息:“我碰巧成为这一不幸事件的见证人之一。”    “自绝于人民”  “有人自杀了!”中国人民保卫和平委员会(简