
来源 :山东农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z534921
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为了加速推广玉米新杂交种鲁玉11号,山东省农业科学院于1991年9月10日至12日在青州市和济南市历城区仲宫召开了鲁玉11号推广现场观摩会。省农科院院长王大刚、院党委书记阙连春出席会议。应邀出席会议的有山东省种子管理总站副站长张兆雄以及部分县市种子站的同志,共46人,辽宁省锦西种子公司常立明同志也应邀出席了会议。潍坊 In order to accelerate the promotion of the new maize hybrid Luyu 11, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences held the promotion meeting of Luyu 11 on September 10 to 12, 1991 in Qingzhou, Zhongyuan, Licheng District, Jinan City. Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences Wang Dagang, hospital party secretary Que Lian Chun attended the meeting. Invited to attend the meeting, Zhang Zhaoxiong, deputy chief of Shandong Seed Management Station, and some county and town seed stations comrades, a total of 46 people, Liaoning Province Jinxi Seed Company Comrade Chang Liming was also invited to attend the meeting. Weifang
曲折是海岸线的基本属性,也是影响海洋自然环境和经济发展的重要影响因素。本文借助Super Map的线数据集重采样功能,构建了基于海岸线轮廓基线的一种新的海岸线曲折度计算方
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