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夏季在有乱石的水域中垂钓,钓友们经常会遇到挂钩、断线等问题,那如何解决这些难题呢?编者选取了两篇乱石中垂钓的稿件,这是第二篇。有日,刘钓友发来一邮件:“为保护堰堤,河道管理部门在沂河马头大坝向西千米处的河道拐弯的堰根堤脚处放了大量的石块来缓冲水势,日久天长,石缝中长满了各种各样的水草,囤积了大量的枯草烂叶。大坝提闸时,洪水淹没了边岸的乱石,这里就成了鱼类的游乐场,下竿就能轻松地钓上鱼来。那天,我误入此地,手搭凉棚向下观望,只见水面上密密匝匝的鱼群,其中有不少鲫鱼、鲤鱼在石头窝里上窜下跳……”我的回信只有三个字—不相信! Summer fishing in the rocky waters, fishing friends often encounter problems such as hooks, broken lines, then how to solve these problems? Editor selected two fishing articles in the rocks, this is the second. Day, Liu Diao sent an e-mail: “In order to protect the weir embankment, the river management department in the Yihe Ma Tau dam west of the river bend the weir root embankment put a lot of stones to buffer the water potential, Over time, the crevices filled with a variety of aquatic plants, hoarding a lot of rotten leaves of dry.David gate, flood flooded the rocky side of the bank, where the fish has become a playground, the next pole Can easily catch the fish that day, I strayed into here, hand stand pergola looking down, I saw the dense water on the surface of the fish, of which there are many carp, carp in the stone nest up and down ... ”My reply is only three words - do not believe it!
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