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肾小管性酸中毒(Renal tubular acidosis)是一种较为少见的疾病,Ligh twood 于1936年首次报告,国内自1958年董氏报告以来约有30余例。本病的临床表现复杂多样,常易误诊,以致病者得不到及早治疗而发生严重的并发症。我院儿科1980年收治1例肾小管性酸中毒,病程长达12年未能确诊,终因严重的佝偻病而病残,兹报告于下:患者,孙××,女性,14岁,住院号118139,于1980年6月16日入院。病儿从2岁开始有多饮多尿症状但无尿频、尿急,常有便秘。2岁8个月出现四肢发软不能抬举,颈不能竖,在某厂医院补钾补钙剂等治疗一周左右痊愈。4岁再次出现软瘫,以下肢为著,颈无力,住某儿科医院诊断为 Renal tubular acidosis is a relatively rare condition. Ligh twood first reported in 1936, and there were about 30 cases in China since the 1958 report. The clinical manifestations of the disease is complex and diverse, often misdiagnosed, so that patients can not get early treatment and serious complications. A pediatric hospital in 1980, 1 case of renal tubular acidosis, the course of up to 12 years failed to diagnose, eventually due to severe rickets and sick, it is reported below: patients, Sun × ×, women, 14 years old, hospital number 118139, was admitted to hospital on June 16, 1980. Children from the age of 2 began to drink polyuria symptoms but no frequent urination, urgency, often constipation. 2-year-old 8 months appear limbs can not lift, neck can not be vertical, in a factory hospital potassium supplementation and other treatment for about a week heal. 4-year-old again appeared paralysis, with the lower limbs as the neck weakness, a pediatric hospital diagnosed as
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