Ternary Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium for Systems of Fatty Acid Methyl Ester(Methyl Palmitate/Methyl Ste

来源 :Transactions of Tianjin University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuzhen16885168
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Liquid-liquid equilibrium data of two ternary systems methyl palmitate+ethanol+glycerol and methyl stearate+ethanol+glycerol at(318.2 and 333.2)K and atmospheric pressure were measured. The values of distribution coefficient and selectivity were calculated, which indicates that glycerol can be separated from fatty acid ester by using ethanol as an extraction solvent. The consistency of the isothermal tie-line data were checked by the Othmer-Tobias equation. The correlation coefficients R2 are higher than 0.993,9 for all the fitted curves. The NRTL activity coefficient model was applied to the correlation of the measured tie-line data. The root mean square deviation(RMSD)values are less than 0.007 for all the systems, which shows a good predictive capability of this model for such systems. Liquid-liquid equilibrium data of two ternary systems methyl palmitate + ethanol + glycerol and methyl stearate + ethanol + glycerol at (318.2 and 333.2) K and atmospheric pressure were measured. The values ​​of distribution coefficient and selectivity were calculated, which indicates that glycerol can The separation of fatty acid esters by using ethanol as an extraction solvent. The consistency of the isothermal tie-line data were checked by the Othmer-Tobias equation. The correlation coefficients R2 are higher than 0.993,9 for all the fitted curves. The NRTL activity coefficient model was applied to the correlation of the measured tie-line data. The root mean square deviation (RMSD) values ​​are less than 0.007 for all the systems, which shows a good predictive capability of this model for such systems.
我与王国安先后见了三次,这跟最初的约定多少有些出入。  第一次是在位于广东清远的韩后健康产业基地。在到达基地之前,我一直以为目的地是我当日登机之前与他约好的清远恒大度假中心。  到达时已是晚上10点,工人们早已偃旗息鼓,厂区却灯火通明。最靠近大门的是一栋三层小楼,楼体上一圈圈霓虹灯带闪烁,容易让人联想起闹市区的某处休闲娱乐场所。  刚进大门,就听见楼上男人嚷嚷的声音,带着很重的南方口音。屋内共有5