
来源 :水土保持研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zeone
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我国西南喀斯特山区地形破碎,土层瘠薄,生态环境非常脆弱,通过社会投入对退化土地进行生态重建是实现生态、经济和社会可持续发展的必然途径。以贵州省猫跳河流域为案例区,以蓄水、治土、造林为核心,将生物、工程、技术措施相结合,在GIS技术支持下,通过对研究区土壤侵蚀状况及社会经济条件的查询,得到不同治理措施的面积及空间分布情况。各种治理措施面积为98232hm2,占研究区面积的31.52%。其中封禁治理占治理总面积的28.1%,荒山造林占治理总面积的16.4%,退耕还林还草占治理总面积的6.78%,6°~25°坡耕地治理占治理总面积的48.72%。在此基础上,分析了各种治理措施的成本和效益,探讨了重建模式的可行性,为指导当地生态重建和实现土地资源可持续利用提供科学依据。 The terrain of the Karst mountains in southwest China is fragmented, the soil is infertile, and the ecological environment is very fragile. The ecological reconstruction of degraded land through social input is the inevitable way to realize the sustainable development of ecology, economy and society. Taking catty river basin in Guizhou Province as a case area, taking the water storage, soil-controlling and afforestation as the core, combining biological, engineering and technical measures, under the support of GIS technology, through the investigation of soil erosion and socio-economic conditions in the study area , Get the area of ​​different governance measures and spatial distribution. The area of ​​various governance measures is 98232hm2, accounting for 31.52% of the area of ​​the study area. Among them, the embargo treatment accounts for 28.1% of the total area under management, the afforestation on the barren hills accounts for 16.4% of the total area under management, the conversion of cultivated land to forestland and forestry accounts for 6.78% of the total area under management, and the area under 6 ° ~ 25 ° sloping farmland accounts for 48.72% of the total area under management. On this basis, the cost and benefit of various governance measures are analyzed, the feasibility of reconstruction mode is discussed, and a scientific basis for guiding the local ecological reconstruction and realizing the sustainable utilization of land resources is provided.
杏(Prunus armeniaca L.)是我国北方普遍栽培的果树之一.通过调查固原市的自然条件和目前杏的生产现状,分析了固原市发展杏产业存在问题,同时提出在该地区杏树栽培的关键技术