对中国白酒略知一二的,没有不知道“古井贡”。作为中国计划经济时代的老“八大”名酒、当今国内白酒行业著名品牌的“古井贡酒”,在走过了辉煌的九十年代后,如今又是怎样一番情景呢? 在走进古井酒厂、与古井人对话之前,先了解一下“数字古井”:古井贡酒股份有限公司自1989年以来连续多次进入中国企业500强行列。2001年中国最有价值品牌排行榜中,“古井贡”品牌价值37.05亿元,居排行榜第18位。2001年的
If you know a little about Chinese liquor, you don’t know “Gujing Gong”. As the old “eight great” famous wine in the era of China’s planned economy and “Gujing Distillery”, a famous brand in the domestic liquor industry today, after passing through the glorious nineties, what kind of scene is it now? Before talking with the factory and Gujing people, let’s look at the “digital ancient wells”: Gujing Distillery Co., Ltd. has entered the top 500 Chinese companies for many times since 1989. In the ranking of the most valuable brands in China in 2001, the brand value of “Gujinggong” was 3.705 billion yuan, ranking 18th in the list. In 2001