The Synthesis of a Stewart Platform for a Specific Workspace with a Genetic Algorithm

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The synthesis problem of a 6-SPS Stewart platform with semi-regular hexagons is studied in this paper. We present a genetic algorithm approach to synthesize a Stewart platform whose workspace must include a desired workspace with orienting capabilities in a given 3D region. Based on the observation that the constant orientation workspace gets smaller as the given orientations increase, a simple method is presented to describe the workspace with orienting capabilities, which need only search the constant orientation workspaces with the eight sets of extremal orientations of given 3D region and use their common part.To verify the method, a numerical example is given. The GA is used to optimize architectural parameters and obtain a compact manipulator. The method is applied to synthesize a Stewart platform whose workspace must include a prescribed cylinder with orienting capabilities.
慢性盆腔炎是急性盆腔炎治疗不彻底迁延而来,发病呈上升趋.方法 采用在月经期静脉滴注0.5%替硝唑250 ml,以及阿米卡星0.4 g,地塞米松5 mg,加入5%葡萄糖液250 ml液体中,连续5
【摘要】 目的 探讨氟比洛芬酯超前镇痛预防气管内全麻患者术后躁动的有效性与安全性。方法 选择胸科手术60例患者,随机均分为两组,F组和T组,每组30例。分别在手术结束前30 min,F组静脉注射氟比洛芬酯100 mg,T组静脉注射盐酸曲马多100 mg。观察两组患者拔管时间、苏醒时间及术后躁动情况。结果 F组患者拔管时间、苏醒时间明显快过T组(P<0.05);F组患者术后躁动发生率明显少于T组、术
【摘要】 目的 探讨脑出血内科治疗的适应证、临床特点及疗效。方法 选择本院近年来收治符合内科治疗条件的脑出血患者48例,给予积极控制颅内压、处理脑水肿、稳定血压、维持水电解质平衡、预防和控制感染等综合内科治疗措施。结果 本组病例经过治疗45例病情得到有效控制,治愈24例,好转21例,均未出现脑疝及显著水电解质紊乱等严重并发症,住院时间4~47 d,平均(27.5±7.4)d;3例脑干出血患者死亡。
背景:2003年在台湾台北市所有登记治疗的肺结核患者目的:调查研究与中断治疗至少2个月和死亡相关的危险因素方法:由就诊病历来确定肺结核患者的治疗转归. 结果:在登记的1 127
目的 探讨类风湿性关节炎合理有效的治疗方案.方法 选择类风湿关节炎患者40例行三氧(03)关节内注射、星状神经节超激光照射与口服中药.结果 40例患者经过三氧治疗后,关节疼痛
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