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肉类、水产、蔬菜、水果等加工车间地面,在生产过程中,不可避免地会有一些块状物随污水进入下水道,这些块状物进入下水道以后常常会使下水道堵塞。过去在设计上述工程下水道排水系统时,一般是采用明沟排水,在明沟上加铸铁篦子,试图截留块状物进入下水道。但实践证明这种方法是不太理想的,其一是卫生条件较差,而且明沟又难以实现加工车间内部卫生条件要求不一的房间之间用水封或其他方法隔开的要求(特别是两层以上的车间)。这样各房间就有可能串味。特别是一些加工出口产品的车间,外商都百般挑剔。其二是出于各种原因使用者为了排水畅通,常常把明沟上的篦子拿掉“敞开排水”,这样块状物就毫无阻拦地进入下水道,因此各肉类加工企业的排水系统中都曾程度不同的发现猪(羊)蹄、肠、肝、胃等物,严重地影响着下水道的使用。其三是车间设明沟, In the production workshops for meat, fisheries, vegetables, fruits, etc., in the production process, there are inevitably some lumps that enter the sewer with the sewage, and these lumps often block the sewer after entering the sewer. In the past, in designing the above-mentioned sewer drainage system, open drains were generally used, and cast iron dumplings were added to the open trenches to try to retain the aggregates into the sewer. However, the practice has proved that this method is not ideal. First, the sanitary conditions are poor, and it is difficult for the open ditch to meet the requirements for separating the rooms with different sanitary conditions inside the processing room by water seals or other methods (especially the two Floor above the workshop). This makes it possible to savor the taste in each room. Especially for some workshops that process export products, foreign companies are all very picky. The second reason is that for various reasons, the user often removes the “drainage drain” on the open ditch for the sake of smooth drainage, so that the lump will enter the sewer without any interruption. Therefore, the drainage systems of all meat processing companies are Different degrees of discovery of pig (sheep) hooves, intestines, liver, stomach, etc., have seriously affected the use of sewers. The third is the workshop set up ditch,
湖南省江华瑶族自治县涛圩镇中学玲玲:我被选为学校升旗仪式的主持人,有点紧张。你能告诉我怎样才能大胆地走上那个主席台吗? Ling-Ling Middle School, Taohua Township, J
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教学的过程是研究的过程。一堂好课,首先离不开教师对教学文本的研究。研究得越深入,对文本的把握也就越透彻。 Teaching process is the research process. A good lesson,
物极必反,否极泰来。说的是任何事物都有相反的一面,踢足球也一样。当有一个人的风格和全队上下整体风格不一致甚至很另类时,反而可以起到锦上添花的效果。  意大利足球讲究坚韧的链条式防守,几乎所有的球员都首先必须考虑做好防守的工作。如果这时候涌现出一两个灵活矫健的身影,虽然防守能力一般身体也不够强壮,却同样可以为意大利队在世界杯上出奇兵。这样的人在意大利足球历史上被称为金童,著名的意大利金童有罗西、斯基
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