抓重点 抓薄弱 确保道路安全畅通

来源 :道路交通管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:intaaaf
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2月13日,公安部交通管理局召开视频调度会,贯彻落实全国公安机关春节和“两会”安保维稳工作动员部署会精神,对进一步做好春节和全国“两会”交通安保工作进行再动员、再部署。各地公安交管部门要坚决按照郭声琨部长重要讲话要求,抓重点、抓薄弱、抓检查、抓落实,以最坚决的态度减少交通违法和安全隐患的存量,为全国“两会”的顺利召开创造良好道路交通环境。节后返程出行集中,恰逢全国“两会”和元宵节,返程安保任务重合,各地公安交管部门要进一步组织交通安全形势研判,掌握交通出行需求、出行方式、交通流量、交通违 On February 13, the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security held a video dispatching meeting to carry out the spirit of mobilizing and deploying the Spring Festival and the “two sessions” security work of the national public security organs and to further improve traffic safety work during the Spring Festival and the national “two sessions” Carry out mobilization and redeployment. All local public security departments should resolutely follow the important speech of Minister Guo Shengkun, pay close attention to the key points, pay close attention to the problems, pay close attention to inspection and implement them in a resolute manner and reduce the stock of traffic violations and potential safety hazards for the smooth convening of the “two sessions” of the whole country Good road traffic environment. After the holiday return travel concentrated, coincides with the national “two sessions ” and the Lantern Festival, the return security tasks overlap, local public security departments should further organize the traffic safety situation to judge, grasp the traffic demand, travel mode, traffic flow, traffic violation
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