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2011年,是阜新市由资源枯竭型城市经济转型试点市发展为转型示范市的启动之年,也是阜新广播电视台经过科学整合,迈向新征程的启程之年。如何抓住这样一个历史机遇,在经济转型和社会全面进步的画卷上再写下浓墨重彩的一笔;如何担当起主流媒体的历史责任,在新媒体冲击波一浪接着一浪的大形势下,发扬传统媒体的优势与魅力,成为阜新广播电视台新一届领导班子和全体编采人员无法回避的课题。4年时间告诉我们,阜新广播电视台以大担当的意识,始终挺立在阜新市改革与发展的潮头,服务大局,把握导向,唱响主旋律,打好主动仗,为经济转型营造浓厚的舆论氛围,向党和人民交上了一份合格的答卷。 In 2011, Fuxin City was transformed into a pilot city for transition from a resource-exhausted-city economy to a model city for transition. It was also the year that Fuxin Radio and Television Station embarked on a new journey through scientific integration. How to seize such a historic opportunity to write down a solid handwriting on the picture of economic restructuring and overall social progress; how to assume the historical responsibility of the mainstream media under the general trend of new media wave of shock wave and wave after wave The advantages and charm of traditional media has become a subject unavoidable by the new leading group and the entire staff of Fuxin Radio and Television Station. Four years tell us that Fuxin Radio and Television Station takes great responsibility and always stand on the forefront of reform and development in Fuxin City, serves the overall situation, grasps the guiding principle, sings the main melody, and puts forward active battles to create a strong public opinion atmosphere for economic restructuring , Handed over to the party and the people a qualified answer sheet.
This paper is concerned with the problem of static output feedback stabilization for linear systems with time-varying delay. A novel controller design is propos
【摘 要】通过接近开关,对带式输送机尾部的被动带辊工作时的周期性转动检测,检测信号定期传入PLC控制系统中。在PLC内部依据带式输送机皮带的运行状态建立数学模型,周期性检测带式输送机的皮带运行状态,从而判断输送带是否运行并把检测结果反馈到生产线PLC控制系统中。对皮带机的运行状态进行判别,用来检测带式输送机的输送带是否真正运行的检测控制系统。  【关键词】皮带输送机 接近开关 数学模型 PLC控制
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Noble metal nanoantenna could effectively enhance light absorption and increase detection sensitivity. In this paper,we propose a periodic Ag diamond nanoantenn
学院对教研室主任进行培训 ,主要目的就是要提高教研室主任领导教研室全面建设的能力。昨天 ,侯院长作了重要讲话 ,这个讲话代表了院领导的一些想法 ,就学院建设面临的形势和