班级是学校中的一个基本群体。这个群体是否具有凝聚力,是否具有共同的目标,是否具有认同感、归宿感、向心力,在很大程度上取决于这个群体的带头人——班主任的事业心、责任感、领导能力和工作艺术。在开展班级工作中,班主任经常运用说理、谈心、表扬、批评等方法教育学生,这就要讲究艺术,在选定班委、协调各方面关系上也需要讲究艺术。 一、谈心:平等幽默,传道解惑 班主任在学生的心目中不仅是严师而且应该是益友。谈心是师生交流感情的好方法。教师上课时要严格,在课外与学生聊天时应随便些、幽默些,这样不但不会影响班主任的形象,反而使学生感到班主任教师可敬可亲。在与学生促膝谈心时不要太严肃,切忌居高临下,应互相尊重、平等相
Classes are a basic group in schools. Whether this group has cohesion, whether it has a common goal, whether it has a sense of identity, sense of belonging, and centripetal force depends to a large extent on the leaders of this group—the dedication, responsibility, leadership, and work art of the head teacher. In class work, headteachers often use methods such as reasoning, talking, praise, and criticism to educate students. This requires art to be emphasized. The selection of class committees and the coordination of all aspects must also pay attention to art. First, talk about the heart: equality and humor, preaching doubts The head teacher is not only a strict teacher but also a good friend in the eyes of the students. Talking about heart is a good way for teachers and students to exchange feelings. Teachers should be rigorous in class and should be more casual and humorous when chatting with students outside of class. This will not only affect the image of the head teacher, but also make the students feel that the class teacher is respectable. Do not be too serious when talking with students about the matter. Do not be condescending and should respect each other and be equal.