,Study of effect of H2 addition on the production of fluorocarbon radicals in H2/C4F8 inductively co

来源 :中国物理(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:uuuuurzm
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C4F8 plasma with the addition of H2 is generated by the inductively coupled plasma (ICP) method. The relative densities of CF, CF2, H and F radicals are determined by actinometric optical emission spectroscopy (AOES) as a function of the gas flow rate ratio R=H2/(H2+C4F8) at a pressure of 0.8 Pa and an input r.f. power of 400W, while that of HF is measured by quadrupole mass spectrometry (QMS). The results show that plasma activity increases firstly and then decreases with increasing R. As the gas flow rate ratio R changes from 0 to 0.625, relative densities of both CF and CF2 decrease, and the relative [CF] has a similar tendency as the calculated [CF], indicating that CF radicals are generated mainly by the electron impact dissociation of CF2 radicals. Production of HF is also discussed.
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