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根据《中共中央、国务院关于<中共湖北省委机构改革方案>和<湖北省人民政府机构改革方案>的通知》(中委[2000]27号),设置湖北省广播电视局(以下简称省广电局)。省广电局是主管全省广播电视宣传和广播电影电视事业的省政府直属机构。一、职能调整将广播电视节目的交流、交换和交易运营职能,交给直属事业单位承担。二、主要职责根据上述职能调整,省广电局主要职责是:(一)贯彻执行党中央、国务院和省委、省政府关于广播电视宣传方面的路线、方针、政策和国家的法律、法规;组织、指导和管理全省广播电视宣传工作及广播影视文艺作品的创作与生产。(二)管理全省广播电视事业,研究制定全省广播电视事业的条例和规章,并依法监督、检查执行;制订广播电视 According to the Notice of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on the Proposal of Institutional Reform of Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Proposal for the Institutional Reform of Hubei Provincial Government (Zhongwei [2000] No. 27), Hubei Radio and Television Bureau (hereinafter referred to as Guangdong Provincial Radio and Television Bureau Board). Provincial Radio and Television Bureau is in charge of the province’s radio and television publicity and radio and television programs directly under the provincial government agencies. First, the functional adjustment of radio and television programs exchange, exchange and trading operations, to the immediate institutions. Second, the main responsibilities According to the above functions to adjust, the provincial radio and television station’s main responsibilities are: (A) implement the party Central Committee and the State Council and the provincial government on radio and television publicity aspects of the line, principles, policies and national laws and regulations; organization , To guide and manage the radio and television propaganda work in the province and the creation and production of radio, film and television literary works. (B) the management of the province’s radio and television industry, study and formulate the province’s radio and television regulations and regulations, and in accordance with the law, check and implement; the development of radio and television
鹤岗日前,黑龙江省交通安全宣传工作会议在鹤岗市召开。图为会议期间,省交警总队副总队长侯惠来(左二)等领导参观鹤岗市交通安全文明村东安村。王跃光高强摄影报道 Hegang