
来源 :中国实用儿科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shipeicheng
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以往对病毒性脑炎患儿的治疗主要重视住院急性期的临床医学治疗,而没有注意到急性期采用康复技术、实施早期干预以及预防功能障碍和残疾的必要性。研究证实,在急性期引入早期干预计划预防功能障碍和残疾是有效的。康复技术和内容的选择需根据脑损伤的部位、功能障碍的内容和临 In the past, the treatment of children with viral encephalitis focused primarily on the clinical treatment of hospitalized patients in an acute phase, without noting the need for the use of rehabilitation techniques in the acute phase, early intervention and prevention of dysfunction and disability. Studies confirm that it is effective to introduce early intervention programs in the acute phase to prevent dysfunction and disability. The selection of rehabilitation techniques and contents should be based on the site of brain injury, the content of dysfunction, and presence
The novel ZnⅡ complex, {[Zn(TSC)(MAL)]·H2O}n (1), where TSC is thiosemicarbazide and MAL is malonate radicle), was synthesized by self-assembling from the react
The basis of the two guideline lectures for maintainability design, namely ”maintainability design criterions” and ”cases compilation of maintainability desi
A numerical analysis of turbulent axisymmetric radial compressible channel flow between a nozzle and a flat plate is presented in this paper. In particular, the
欣闻《制造技术与机床》杂志即将于 2 0 0 4年 3月迎来其第 5 0 0期杂志 ,作为《制造技术与机床》杂志的一名老读者 ,我无法抑制内心的万分激动 ,在工作之余 ,写下自己的感想
1937年8月26日,苏联共产党中央委员会总书记斯大林在他的会客厅里,迎来一位身材魁梧、相貌伟岸的中国将军。他们坐定后, 在轻松愉快的气氛中,就中国的抗日战争问题畅谈了5个
本文利用Palmer方法计算出Palmer干旱指数,利用时间序列的ARMA模型建立干旱指数模型,并做出外延预测,收到较好的效果。 Palmer method is used in this paper to calculate